Cold Pasta Caprese Salad - with our tri-colour Conchiglie

Cold Pasta Caprese Salad - with our tri-colour Conchiglie

A most delightful, colourful plate of cold pasta  salad that is super easy to whip up and is ideal for summers. 

We've used really simple, local ingredients for our caprese pasta salad:

100 gms Conchiglie - Pasta Mista (this has three colours of spinach, turmeric and beet)

100 gms Mozarella Cheese

100 gms Tomatoes (abou 2 small/medium)

100 grams Basil 

2 tablespoon Olive Oil

1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar (you can substitute for regular vinegar or apple cider and use in small quantity to begin with and add as per taste preference)

Salt and pepper to taste

Cut the cheese and tomatoes in small cubes. Chop basil and mix the three together and keep aside. 

Meanwhile, cook Conchiglie in boiling water for 6-7 minutes until al-dente. Drain, cool slightly and mix together with tomatoes, cheese and basil. Toss with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Drizzle balsamic vinegar just before serving. 


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